Stereoactive Movie Club Ep 13 // The Godfather
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 1972's 'The Godfather' is a foundational work of modern cinema, culturally influential beyond the scope of most movies.
We're discussing some of the greatest movies ever made. Who says? Sight And Sound magazine says. Every 10 years, since 1952, the publication has surveyed critics and directors to determine which films might be considered the best. The five film-loving friends take turns picking movies that have appeared on the list and then dig into them with an eye on their cultural impact, how they stand up today, and just whether they’re actually as good as all those critics and directors say they are.
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 1972's 'The Godfather' is a foundational work of modern cinema, culturally influential beyond the scope of most movies.
Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, 1975's 'Mirror,' with it's nonlinear structure, portrays dreamlike POV memories interspersed with newsreel footage and poetic passages.
Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, the departure of 1960's 'L'avventura' from until-then standard plotting was something of a breakthrough and helped to influence films – and style – to come.
Directed by Vittorio De Sica, 1948's 'Bicycle Thieves' is an emblematic example of the neorealist movement that developed in Italy after World War II.
Directed by Buster Keaton and Clyde Bruckman, 1926's 'The General' stars the stone-faced comedian performing unbelievable stunts aboard a Confederate train.
Directed by John Ford, 1956's 'The Searchers' features John Wayne as an anti-hero cowboy maniacally in pursuit of either justice or a dark vision of cleansing vengeance.
Special guest Jonathan Pilkington Kahnt joins us as we choose which films we're watching in the second round of the Stereoactive Movie Club!