Stereoactive Movie Club Ep 18 // The Godfather Part II
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 'The Godfather Part II' manages to build, deepen, and perhaps even surpass the first installment.
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 'The Godfather Part II' manages to build, deepen, and perhaps even surpass the first installment.
Directed by Federico Fellini, 1963's '8 1/2' is a surreal meditation on the filtering of life through the creative process, despite the destruction such pursuits can bring.
Directed by David Lean, 1962's 'Lawrence of Arabia' is the epic story of a a hubristic and ultimately self-destructive man striving to exist in two worlds.
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1958's 'Vertigo' is the psychological portrait of a man obsessed with a woman and his own failures.
It's Lora's turn to pick first as we choose which films we're watching in the third round of the Stereoactive Movie Club!
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 1972's 'The Godfather' is a foundational work of modern cinema, culturally influential beyond the scope of most movies.
Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, 1975's 'Mirror,' with it's nonlinear structure, portrays dreamlike POV memories interspersed with newsreel footage and poetic passages.