Stereoactive Movie Club Ep 7 // Round 1 Wrap Up / Round 2 Picks
Special guest Jonathan Pilkington Kahnt joins us as we choose which films we're watching in the second round of the Stereoactive Movie Club!
Special guest Jonathan Pilkington Kahnt joins us as we choose which films we're watching in the second round of the Stereoactive Movie Club!
Directed by Akira Kurosawa, 1950's 'Rashomon' has become an archetypal template for exploring the effects of perspective on perception.
1 song and 3 remixes, looking ahead to a moment when we'll gather together again.
Directed by Yasujirō Ozu, 1953's 'Tokyo Story' tells the story of shifting generational culture in post-war Japan.
Directed by Orson Welles, 1941's 'Citizen Kane' has long been considered one of the best (and often *the* best) film of all time.
Directed by Orson Welles, 1942's 'The Magnificent Ambersons' was famously taken away from Welles before he could finish it.
3 Songs About Striving To Connect With People And The World.